
EquippingU is a collection of leadership tools designed specifically to equip Alliance pastors and leaders as they live spiritually healthy lives and successfully lead healthy C&MA churches.

EquippingU will help you to develop strong, vibrant churches that effectively reach diverse peoples in your community for Jesus. You will receive spiritual fuel to avoid burnout and proven safeguards to enable you to stand strong and lead well in the face of temptation.

Who is this for?

Every Alliance pastor and church leader is invited to participate in three equipping programs featuring experienced practitioners and gifted communicators—from inside and outside The Alliance.

Leaders must be learners, and these courses will provide you multi-faceted opportunities to grow and be stretched in your personal life and ministry capacities. By God’s grace, the U.S. Alliance will continue to be a movement led by healthy, growing pastors and leaders who multiply disciples, workers, leaders, and healthy churches to advance God’s Kingdom in local communities and to the ends of the earth.


EquippingU Podcast

The EquippingU Podcast is designed to provide Alliance pastors and leaders lively and helpful discussions related to living spiritually healthy lives while leading healthy churches. Each of these interviews will underline priorities and values vital to healthy leaders and churches. Each season will offer a wide range of topics to equip, encourage, and challenge you as a pastor or leader. Listen today on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Podbean.


EquippingU Live

With EquippingU LIVE, you’ll join with a local group of pastors and leaders to connect via a live online streaming presentation. We’ll provide an interactive Q&A session and encourage you to process it with your group.

Two LIVE events will be held annually—one related to effectiveness in ministry and leadership and the other designed to enhance the leader’s emotional, spiritual, and marital health.

Watch Previous Sessions

EquippingU Live: You Found Me

Research on How Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith

Thursday, November 4, 2021, 12:00 p.m. EST

Researcher and practitioner Rick Richardson unveils the findings of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Institute’s groundbreaking studies on the unchurched. A study of 2,000 unchurched people across the country reveals that they are still remarkably open to faith conversations and the Church. Further research revealed the best practices of the top 10 percent of churches that most effectively reach the unchurched. People who were previously unchurched share what actually moved them to faith and Christian commitment. And the most encouraging revelation from this research is that churches and organizations can be transformed to become places where conversion growth becomes the new normal.

If people tell you “the sky is falling” don’t believe them. You can lead the change that will help your church reach people – who then reach others.

Your Host: Rick Richardson

Rick Richardson is director of the Billy Graham Center Research Institute and its Church Evangelism Initiative. He also serves as professor of evangelism and leadership at Wheaton College Graduate School. He has previously served as pastor of evangelism and discipleship at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois, and was the evangelism champion who helped launch Willow Creek Community Church’s first multisite campus. His books include Evangelism and Evangelism Outside the Box.

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