posted on September 1, 2021


CAMA is looking for a community development coach, mentor, consultant, trainer, and resource person to serve in Southeast Asia.

Position Type

  • CAMA worker/seconded to a partner organization
  • Creative-access location
  • Single woman or couple
  • Partially funded (requested to raise partial support)

A community development team has demonstrated and consistently shared the gospel among a remote, unreached people group in Southeast Asia. Over the past five years, staff members have effectively improved the health and agricultural practices of this group’s communities and increased educational access for its children. During this time frame, villagers have made life-changing decisions—many in response to seeing the power of God deliver their peers from drug addiction. Working on a multi-cultural team, mainly serving with local staff in yet unreached villages, the successful applicant(s) will help build local village development staff capacity and support communities.


Required Qualifications:

Preferred Qualifications:

Biblical Characteristics:

Timeline for deployment:

Summer 2022. Once appointed and fundraising and other qualifications are met, the appointee is required to attend a cross-cultural and language acquisition program and Pre-Field Orientation prior to deploying. 

General Information:

This is a developing country with limited access in terms of Christian witness. Most people are Buddhist and/or animists. The successful applicant(s) will reside in a rural town where the project office is located but make extended trips to remote villages at least monthly. Though the successful applicant(s) will be a member of the CAMA team, they will be seconded to a partner organization and under its supervision.

Language Expectations:

Language is an essential part of ministry. For those who do not know the language, an intensive 2–3 month study period (likely in the capital city) devoted to the language foundations will be required. When deployed outside the capital, language study will continue on a part-time basis with a tutor for up to one year.

Health Considerations:

Good physical health is required as the successful applicant(s) will spend up to a week at a time living in a remote village and traveling to others via motorcycle. Health care is limited in the capital city. Serious health problems are typically handled in Bangkok, Thailand.

Expectations for Spouse:

Spousal roles vary based on the spouse’s gifts, training, and abilities, as well as the needs of the team. It is expected that both spouses will be meaningfully involved in meeting team objectives, depending on the nature of family roles, children’s needs, etc.  

Children’s Educational Plan and Options:

For younger children, homeschooling is the best option. Education for higher grades can be a combination of homeschooling and one week per month in the capital city as part of a modular study group (MSG).  Boarding school options in a nearby country are also an option for high school students.


The successful applicant(s) will receive a full compensation package with the expectation that, once appointed, efforts will be made to raise a portion of support costs through the applicant’s network of friends and family, local church, or other resources. Information on support costs will be made available upon application. Training and/or coaching in fund-raising is available.

Important Clarification:

Applicants should be aware that serving in the international world often requires a higher degree of grace and flexibility. For example, overseas teams can be suddenly and unexpectedly impacted by illness, government decisions, financial realities, team changes, or other factors beyond the team’s control. The challenge for applicants is that these factors can sometimes necessitate the sudden redefining of a position, which may take place before, during, or after the application/interview process.


Please write Pat Altemose at [email protected].

Whole-Life Health

CAMA Services is the relief and development specialization of Alliance Missions. As part of an evangelical denomination, we are committed to biblical holism, which we are committed to model and reflect through our work. Due to this commitment, part of the required qualifications includes optimal emotional, spiritual and physical health. These will be assessed during the application process.

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