posted on September 1, 2021


It has been called the land of spice and color. Life here is anything but boring. Do you like to make friends? Do you like to learn? Do you like to try new things? We are a cross-specialization team of students and business people working in a city of over 20 million people. We will walk with you as you figure out where you can best use your gifts and strengths to join our team and have a meaningful, impactful presence. We long for Jesus Christ to make Himself known in our city where less than one percent know Him. We live missionally in our businesses, universities, and neighborhoods. We walk alongside new brothers and sisters and often meet one-on-one or in small groups for discipleship.

Position Type

  • International worker (IW)—vocational track
  • Discipleship
  • Evangelism
  • Funded
  • Single or couple

Required Qualifications

Biblical Characteristics Desired

Preferred Qualifications


Timeline for Deployment

Summer/fall 2022. All appointees are required to attend a cross-cultural and language- acquisition program and Pre-Field Orientation (Pre-Field Course and experience) prior to deploying.

Work and Living Environment

Forty-five percent of the population is under the age of 25. Rich in culture and linguistic diversity, each state in this country feels like a country of its own. It has a rapidly growing population and economy. It is a major urban center, which provides lots of opportunities for education and business.

Status of Christian Witness

People are looking for answers about the meaning of life, spirituality, hope, relationships, and inner peace. The majority in our city follows a diverse and somewhat complex system of thought and belief that spans monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, and atheism. Many here practice meditation. Our team serves in an area where less than one percent are Christians. The local church here needs encouraging, strengthening, and continual modeling of incarnational ways to reach people with the gospel. We desire to be bridge builders as we walk alongside the church and the majority population.

Language Expectations

Language is an essential part of ministry. The goal is to be fully functional in your ability to express yourself and allow friends to express themselves. Working with a language coach, language students will receive a combination of one-on-one and group instruction in a highly interactive, fun learning environment. In advanced stages of learning, students will have a tailor-made, language-learning program to meet their specific needs.

Health Considerations

It’s generally easy to find well-qualified, medical professionals here who speak English. There are also good hospitals here that are equipped with modern facilities. Frequent walking is required. Poor air quality can aggravate asthma.

Expectations for Spouse

Spousal roles vary, based on the spouse’s gifts, training, and abilities, as well as the needs of the team. It is expected that both spouses will be meaningfully involved in meeting ministry objectives, depending on the nature of family roles, children, etc.

Children’s Educational Plan and Options

There are many options to consider for children’s education, including a Christian international school, Montessori school, and other private education options.

Important Clarification:

Applicants should be aware that serving in the international world often requires a higher degree of grace and flexibility. For example, overseas teams can be suddenly and unexpectedly impacted by illness, government decisions, financial realities, team changes, or other factors beyond the team’s control. The challenge for applicants is that these factors can sometimes necessitate the sudden redefining of a position, which may take place before, during, or after the application/interview process.


The successful applicant(s) will receive a full compensation package with the expectation that, once appointed, efforts will be made to raise a portion of support costs through the applicant’s network of friends and family, local church, or other resources. Information on support costs will be made available upon application. Training and/or coaching in fund-raising is available.


Please email Stacy Douglas at [email protected].

Whole-Life Health

The C&MA is an evangelical denomination committed to planting churches both in the United States and internationally. Due to the nature of this ministry opportunity, part of the required qualifications include optimal emotional, spiritual, and physical health. These are assessed during the application process.

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