posted on September 1, 2021


The Alliance is looking for someone to be part of a great team that is striving to be a part of a great work

Position Type

  • International worker (IW)—aXcess – Clergy Track
  • Church planting
  • Discipleship
  • Partially funded (requested to raise partial support)
  • Couple only

There are 250 known believers in a people group numbered in the million with one local church led by local believers with a vision to reach their own people. Three missions organizations are working hand-in-hand to make it happen and 13 ministries are reaching the unreached for Christ.  One Lord is over all and involved in all, making it happen despite all odds. Play a vital role in mobilizing and equipping young adults to be a part of this great work.


Required Qualifications

Preferred Qualifications

Biblical Characteristics Desired

Timeline for Deployment

Summer/fall 2022. All appointees are required to attend a cross-cultural and language-acquisition program and Pre-Field Orientation prior to deploying.

General Information

Though housing in this city lacks many of the amenities of Western homes, most expatriates find the situation comfortable. In order to respect the local culture, the team has accepted a policy of mandatory alcohol abstinence while in Senegal; they also often dress in local clothing.

Language Expectations

Language is an essential part of ministry. The successful applicant(s) will receive one year of intense language study, followed by ongoing language and cultural acquisition. The goal will be to speak, read, and write the language at a functional level in order to mentor, teach, and train others.

International workers receive one year of French language study in France (if needed) before coming to Senegal and then one to two years of local language study as needed at our ministry location.  Workers need to reach proficiency in both languages to be able to thrive and live long term in our context. When possible, we encourage language learners to have one to three-month home-stay experiences for immersion learning.  There is no local language school available, so learners must be self-motivated as they work with a trained professor at a distance and with local language helpers.

Health Considerations

Local hospitals may not be considered adequate for some health issues. Much better medical care is available four hours away, in the capital city. Many medications and analyses are available in the many local pharmacies and labs.  Air conditions may not be ideal for those with respiratory disease due to the high levels of desert dust.

Expectations for Spouse

Spousal roles vary, based on the spouse’s gifts, training, and abilities, as well as the needs of the team. It is expected that both spouses will be meaningfully involved in meeting ministry objectives, depending on the nature of family roles, children, etc.

Since we are recruiting and, in the past, have hosted interns of both genders, the expectation is for both husband and wife to work together, as needed.  In times where this may not be needed, there are other ministry opportunities for the spouse, including teaching at one of the two trade schools (health education, English, culinary arts, micro-enterprise, mechanics, carpentry, computer technology, drafting, and Bible), medical ministries (community health, wound care for street boys, clinic consultations), discipleship and evangelism outreach with men, women, or children, prison ministries to all ages and genders, teaching English as a second language, as well as other opportunities.

Children’s Educational Plan and Options

For younger children, homeschooling, local French schools, a Christian French/local language school, and a school co-op are recommended options. For older children, homeschooling, a school co-op, and an American boarding school in the capital city, four hours away, are recommended options. In the past and for the foreseeable future, we have a certified teacher assisting with the homeschool co-op and carrying the bulk of the teaching responsibility for the elementary and middle-school children on the team. Though we value MK education and strive to provide the best possible choices, there is no absolute guarantee with any one schooling option, as situations can change.

Important Clarification:

Applicants should be aware that serving in the international world often requires a higher degree of grace and flexibility. For example, overseas teams can be suddenly and unexpectedly impacted by illness, government decisions, financial realities, team changes, or other factors beyond the team’s control. The challenge for applicants is that these factors can sometimes necessitate the sudden redefining of a position, which may take place before, during, or after the application/interview process.


The successful applicant(s) will receive a full compensation package with the expectation that, once appointed, efforts will be made to raise a portion of support costs through the applicant’s network of friends and family, local church, or other resources. Information on support costs will be made available upon application. Training and/or coaching in fund-raising is available.


Please email Stacy Douglas at [email protected].

Whole-Life Health

The C&MA is an evangelical denomination committed to planting churches both in the United States and internationally. Due to the nature of this ministry opportunity, part of the required qualifications include optimal emotional, spiritual, and physical health. These are assessed during the application process.

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